Goblintechkeys story

Our Story

We started Goblintechkeys in the year 2022 by offering mass-produced, anime-inspired keycaps, keyboards, and desk mats. The business was tough; our cash flow allowed us to survive for another 6 months. We couldn't really differentiate what set us apart from the strong competitor, a keyboard store with anime themes.

One day, someone named Belle emailed us, mentioning that she had just moved to Canada for work. Her job required her to type in Thai, and she asked if we offered QWERTY-THAI layout keyboards. After discussing it with our partners, we decided to personalize a custom set just for her, designed to match her workspace. She immediately felt respected and showed her appreciation.

As a born and raised free thinker, I love being different and always identifying what I want (this often leads my best friends to call me a weirdo, haha). That experience with Belle got me thinking —why not focus on personalized keycaps, keyboards, and desk mats to revolutionize workspace setups? This approach allows the freedom to express your personality, individuality, hobbies, beliefs, and anything else you want to convey.

We understand that becoming the world's largest Workspace setup enhancer is a long journey. Currently, we're only at stage 1.0 (offering personalized keycaps, keyboards, and desk mats). We have a significant way to go. We deeply appreciate all the supporters who believe in what we're doing, backing us through our entrepreneurial journey. One day, we will achieve what we believe in!


Bobby Gadget Pte Ltd